What does design mean to you?
To me it is the process of taking a concept from deep inside your head and bringing it out into the light of day so that it can be seen and appreciated by other people.
The design work I have undertaken over the years includes everything from making posters and pictures to creating furniture. Some of my work has been sold in the Conran Shop in London and I worked on Adam Ant's house in Hertfordshire that was featured on the front cover of "Interiors" magazine a number of years ago.
I have laid out music score books, desktop published documents for presentation to Parliament for the National Audit Office and designed and build a trailer (yes, welding and all!) that has lasted over 30 years.
I have designed and installed lighting rigs in night clubs, created jewelry and marketry, and, of course, produced designs for corporate identities, stationery, and websites galore.
I may not be the best, but I have plenty of ideas.
What should I design for you?
The Fourth Dimension features my design on the cover, and my neices work on special makeup. Chakara movie poster design was used at the cast and crew premiere. Just for a change... I have been designing and making some wooden wands (pics not to scale)! You never know, the next Harry Potter blockbuster follow-up might just need props.

I have sold some, have made more for sale or can make one specially for you. Contact details on the right.